Backporch Revolutionbackporchrevolution
King Ghidorah
King Ghidorah BPR-032
King Ghidorah III is as much technodragon as doom-drone on this disc -- the three headed monster of Moog, Drum Buddy, and Mixing Board Loopback leaves the guitars behind and assaults you with 50+ minutes of electronic doom.
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limited edition CD-R, 2008
King Ghidorah BPR-031
King Ghidorah returns with a few variations on the doom-drone theme over several incarnations of the three-headed monster recording in New Orleans the year following the hurricane. Includes the long version of "Bring Me the Head of Michael Brown" recorded in October 2005.

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limited edition CD-R, 2008
King Ghidorah BPR-011
King Ghidorah
On King Ghidorah's debut, Alec and Jim of Chef Menteur and potpie join forces to create a monolithic slab of heavy HEAVY drone, for fans of Boris, Earth, Sunn O))), Khanate etc.
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limited edition CD-R, 2005