Backporch Revolutionbackporchrevolution
Improvisational psychedelic free folk ensemble.
B. Killingsworth
Bryan Kilingsworth performs audio alchemy on the analog modular synthesizer and visual Sound Patterns.
Becca Rice
Becca lives in Illinois (!!!) and enjoys cool martinis on sunny days and coffee on rainy days.
Chef Menteur
Starship tugboat captains of your droney dreams.
Geisterfahrer is a New Orleans duo creating a mixture of Catatonic Dance music and Avant-India-Drone-Pop without the use of computers of synthesizers. Process=Product.
King Ghidorah
"King Ghidorah might actually be the heaviest band in New Orleans. You're gonna have to pry that title out of their dead hands, now."-- Jason,
Solo project of Mike Mayfield from the Buttons and Electrical Spectacle
Mugulasha Soundsystem
Pure acoustic drone; meditational minimalism at its quietest and most organic. An open circle of like-minded musicians, Murmur uses no effects but a mini orchestra of acoustic instruments to achieve harmonic bliss.
Myth & Measure
new approaches in electronic composition & sound synthesis
Heavy metal prog-rocking electronic soundscapes for your sister's new lover.
New Orleans' self-annointed High Priest of Drone, potpie is best known for his work with sine wave generators and other simple electronic devices to achieve a pure minimalism.
New Orleans' all-star space rock.
Sketches of an Amorous Window
A Geisterfahrer side project, Sketches of an Amorous Window has Aubrey and Shae taking a detour into pastoral Americana with gentle echoes of country vocals, harmonies, slide guitars and banjos.
The Bastard Sons of Morton Subotnick
Lo-fi glitch music a la Pansonic but using only old electronics.
The Gubernatorial Candidates
Time Promises Power
Experimental Electronica duo existing solely in the ether(net)
Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death
Tyrconnell is New Orleans-born DJ T. Dylan O'Donnell. After a four-year stint in Rome performing as Dr Gumbo, he returns to the Sliver by the River with his crates full of international wax.
Uptown Cajun All-stars
Uptown and Cajun? Ooh, cher!
Various Artists
Compilations, remix projects, etc.
Chapel Hill-Carrboro North Carolina indie rock/alt-country band from 1994-1997. The original "Shinola" -- accept no imitators or poseurs.
The Backporch Revolutionary
Print and web zine from Carrboro, North Carolina published 1996-7.
The Buttons
Joey and Mike.