Backporch Revolutionbackporchrevolution

potpie ixnay 006
field saturation vol. 1
"one of my best I think, super minimal, I was listening to a lot of very quiet electronica at the time."
Format: limited edition CD-R  Time: 28:06 Released: 2002-00-00
# song name length mp3
1 Potpie: kyoto holy tapestry 1:44 
2 Potpie: moju 10:14 
3 Potpie: secret acts within four walls 3:49 
4 Potpie: red dizziness 4:12 
5 Potpie: drift study (for laMonte Young) 3:23 
6 Potpie: sei ju gakuen (for Sachiko M) 4:50 
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