Backporch Revolutionbackporchrevolution
potpie BPR-035
(vs. Krzysztof) Appalachia
The latest offering from our man in Asheville is actually a split EP between potpie and his robot double Krzysztof. Each contributes a single long track inspired by bluegrass music.

potpie's approach is to take dozens of tiny loops of actual bluegrass recordings and layer them into a hypnotic avant-grass jam. Then Krzysztof uses a sine wave generator to create what sounds like a robot hoedown! Both tracks were recorded live, no computers.

As with all potpie's releases this is a super-limited edition of 50, hand-made and -numbered by the artist.
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limited edition CD-R, 2009
potpie dose 29
krzysztof - jajouka
five tracks of incredible sinewave generator improvisations. no computers. no editing. recording under the name "krzysztof", potpie took inspiration from the likes of Jajouka, Konono #1, and Terry Riley and churned out some complex and mesmerizing work. Numbered edition of 68 copies.
limited edition CD-R, 2008
potpie ixnay 015
plays the classics
If you know what this is about, you know you want it and you should get it while you can... Once again, a rare limited edition of 50, handmade-by-the-artist cd-r.

Write to us about availability, or pick it up it at Mckeown's in New Orleans.
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limited edition CD-R, 2008
potpie BPR-022
Untitled #40
a sound collage of 40 minutes of music under 40 seconds celebrating potpie's 40th birthday
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limited edition CD-R, 2006
potpie BPR-017
His most critically acclaimed release to date (and quickest to sell out), Waterline is the latest self-produced recording by New Orleans minimalist potpie. Recorded post-Katrina, Waterline showcases potpieā€™s trademark ultra-minimal drones followed by cathartic free jams with potpie raging on a dozen instruments including bullhorn, psychedelic guitar freakouts, sine wave generators and much more.
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limited edition CD-R, 2006
potpie ixnay 012
potpie plays Eno
On this mini-record, potpie covers some of his favorite Brian Eno instrumentals and is helped out by the Chef Menteur guys and even local crooner dj Davis on vocals!
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limited edition CD-R, 2004
potpie ixnay 011
hallucinations of a deranged mind
a nice compilation of live pieces, edits from the 8-track release, and more!
limited edition CD-R, 2004
potpie ixnay 006
field saturation vol. 1
"one of my best I think, super minimal, I was listening to a lot of very quiet electronica at the time."
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limited edition CD-R, 2002
potpie ixnay 004
Dreams of the Red Room (1995-2002)
A "best of" collection including some rare recordings of the mysterious band Sleeperhold performing in the abandoned Dixie brewery.
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limited edition CD-R, 2002
potpie ixnay 010
The Unfortunate Sons

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limited edition CD-R, 2001
potpie ixnay 008
super rare 8 track release, some edited cuts can be heard on Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind and on the WTUL compilation
"out of the Basement".
8-track cassette, 2001
potpie ixnay 003
7 Live Improvisations for Sine Wave Generator
early sine wave freakouts
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limited edition CD-R, 2001
potpie ixnay 007
Black Panther Coloring Book
This is a stark recording of basically a single sine wave slowly rising in frequency while being run through a lot of delay, the interference frequencies create all kinds of overtones and really gives a feeling of tension. You should do a google search on the title, very interesting!
limited edition CD-R, 2000
potpie ixnay 005
Self-indulgent Masturbation
experimental turntablism. A phase in the evolution of potpie.
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limited edition CD-R, 1998
potpie ixnay 002
potpie remixes Jimi Hendrix Axis Bold as Love
armed with a turntable, delay pedal and a 4-track, potpie deconstructs Jimi into often unrecognizable sound. Genius? hardly.. but I'm sure it will freak out some old stoners.
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limited edition CD-R, 1997
potpie ixnay 001
early potpie experimentation, definite Eraserhead influence. Out of print for almost 10 years. Of historical interest only but if you want to hear the EARLY potpie then check it out, all of side 1 is available here for your listening enjoyment.
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cassette, 1996